Your business, your genius, your way…

When I work with you, I work ‘with’ you. I want and need to understand you and your vibe, so I’ll ask a lot of questions. You will share, I will share and BOOM, this is how I connect to your energy and passion. 

I’ll maintain that energy during the creative process, so it gets passed on into the art. Your genius passes through my genius and that’s the sweet spot where amazing, miraculous creations appear. Through our work together, you will better connect with your clients and share with the world your beautiful message and business.

Branding, sales, social media and online marketing doesn't need to be tedious, complicated or expensive, you just need to look inward not outward! You have all the answers I promise, and once you are in alignment and creating true, authentic and honest work, THE PEOPLE WILL COME!! Works for me!

So, if you’re looking to churn out click bate, viral content, waste money on social media and SEO crap, I am not your girl!!

I do not follow the rules that mainstream or anyone puts in my way.... IT’S YOUR BUSINESS, YOUR GENIUS, YOUR WAY!

I also give zero fucks to what Google, Facebook and Instagram say about what’s best for advertising and promoting. I know traditional marketing methods don’t work for trailblazers like me and my clients!

I won’t be constrained by algorithms and rules, I won’t fall for the mind control tactics and importantly, I have no fear in putting my true self out there.

I know i’ll be visible because the right clients are already out there searching for me. That’s how you arrived here!!!

Learn the rules like an artist so you can break them like a pro!
— Picazzo

The world is changing quickly! We are starting to realise who is ‘awake’ and who isn’t! This goes for businesses and entrepreneurs!

As someone who SEE’S, I am excited to be a part of the new earth, and only want to work with people who want to make positive changes, spread the light and heal the planet.

If you want to make shit loads of money, do good, be of service and have loads of fun at the same time then WE CAN WORK TOGETHER!


Why a Capybara?

Well if you didn’t know already, a Capybara is like the NICEST animal on Earth! It’s also the cutest in my opinion….Capybaras would let you use them as a chair, they are patient, kind, fair and supportive (not just as chairs!)…However they also have a bite-hold the same strength as a Tiger, so they’re tough little critters. I relate to them so much and their characteristics are my values I instil personally and professionally.